In the first instalment of a two-part series, Toronto business lawyer Peter Murphy looks at the issues facing cannabis store retailers. Prospective cannabis retailers need to proceed carefully as a new gold rush gets underwa...
In the final instalment of a two-part series, Toronto condominium lawyer Warren Kleiner discusses solutions to some of the common issues that arise with shared facilities agreements. A community-focused approach can help def...
There is no doubt the varied uses of technology are here to stay, but Toronto condominium lawyer Audrey Loeb says the use of drones and artificial intelligence could clash with the privacy rights of condo dwellers. Loeb, a p...
Accounting for digital assets is becoming a bigger part of estate planning as people do more and more online, Toronto litigator Matthew Urback tells Law Times. “I haven’t seen it addressed all that much yet and I...
Condominium boards and managers should deal with hoarding and pest issues quickly, going to court if necessary, to stay on top of potentially expensive problems, says Toronto condominium and commercial litigator Megan Mackey...
Condominium corporations will only investigate if someone has been smoking or vaping cannabis in their unit when a formal complaint is lodged, Toronto condominium lawyer Audrey Loeb tells CBC. “Here’s the thing: ...
While it’s important to ensure powers of attorney properly deal with a grantor’s wishes, fear of potential fraud can stymy the whole process, Toronto litigator Matthew Urback writes in the Financial Post.
Toronto condominium lawyer Armand Conant tells CondoBusiness magazine he’s hopeful the new Ontario government will follow through with changes to the Condominium Act that haven’t yet been proclaimed. The online.....
A recent decision by the British Columbia Supreme Court underscores the fact that unless an employee’s off-duty conduct has direct implications on the workplace or the employer’s business, it does not constitute ...
While legendary singers Aretha Franklin and Prince died without wills, there is a celebrity that set a good example for others to consider when it comes to estate planning, says Toronto wills and estates lawyer Matthew Urbac...