With bed bugs becoming an increasingly common problem for condominium corporations, Toronto condominium lawyer Warren Kleiner says corporations need to have a tactful approach in dealing with the problem. “Bed bugs hav...
Law is all about people for Toronto civil litigator Heather Paterson. While disputes in court can sometimes get ugly, Paterson, a partner with Shibley Righton LLP, tells AdvocateDaily.com that maintaining good relationships ...
Family members must often make tough decisions when a loved one shows signs of incapacity, says Toronto wills and estates lawyer Matthew Urback. In these situations, it’s helpful to have a capacity assessor talk to the...
A lawsuit filed by eight Filipino migrant workers against a job recruiter and a farm in Ontario casts light on how easy it is for vulnerable people to be tricked into paying for jobs and denied the protections provided by Ca...
A recent Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) ruling clarifies the boundary between what constitutes incivility in a courtroom and strong legal advocacy, Toronto employment lawyer Deborah Howden tells AdvocateDaily.com. The Law Soc...
The “long and twisting saga” that pits South American villagers against a global oil giant took another turn recently in a Canadian courtroom, Toronto business lawyer Joel Berkovitz tells The Lawyer’s Daily...
Sandbagging reflects poorly on all parties to a transaction, Toronto corporate lawyer Marlin Horst tells AdvocateDaily.com. Horst, a partner with Shibley Righton LLP, explains that the practice arises in mergers and acquisit...
Condominium corporations and unit owners can expect their costs to climb due to the higher minimum wage and other changes to the recently updated Employment Standards Act (ESA), says Toronto condominium lawyer Warren Kleiner...
Condominium corporations should adopt rules that prohibit growing marijuana in their complexes ahead of legalization later this year, says Toronto condominium lawyer Joel Berkovitz. While the pending federal law will allow p...
Approaching mediation with an open mind can improve the chances of settlement, says Toronto condominium and commercial litigator Megan Mackey. Under the province’s Condominium Act, mediation is mandatory for any disput...