New challenges and opportunities are continually arising in the media, advertising and entertainment industries throughout Canada and the world. Cross-sectoral mergers and acquisitions are integrating previously independent functioning groups into cohesive operating units creating large vertically integrated media companies. These new mega-media companies play an essential role in Canada’s economy. At the same time, consumers are demanding greater and faster access to content on a variety of new distribution platforms. The convergence of technologies is creating new distribution channels giving rise to new rights management issues and evolving new funding and revenue models.
At Shibley Righton LLP, the team of lawyers who practice Media, Advertising and Entertainment Law are focused on all aspects of these industries and are committed to staying current and providing our clients with knowledgeable business solutions and unmatched personalized service. Our team has a diverse wealth of experience in the multimedia, advertising and entertainment fields of film, television, conventional broadcasting, exhibition, publishing, music, theatre, advertising and marketing, sports, mobile distribution, computer hardware and software, computer gaming and the Internet. We provide a full range of services at affordable rates on matters involving the development, protection, exploitation and use of client intellectual property rights in all media products and services; domestic and international transactions and federal, provincial and international tax credit programs and special production funds; and corporate finance, securities and merger and acquisition transactions.
Our clients are based throughout North America and abroad and they reflect the diversity of the media, advertising and entertainment industry and include:
- film, television, documentary, live theatre and new media independent producers;
- animation studios, animators, writers, actors, directors, artists, managers, designers, talent agencies and talent representation, advertisers, advertising agencies, product placement and sponsorship, record labels, musicians, and composers; and
- distributors, broadcasters, financiers, banks, investors and lenders.
Shibley Righton LLP is an active member of the Canadian Media Producers Association (CMPA), as are various members of our team, including James Minns who is an active member of the CMPA Copyright Committee and the Business Management for Media Professionals Committee of Women In Film and Television - Toronto (WIFT-T). Bill Northcote is also the co-author of the Canada chapter of the loose-leaf service Media, Advertising & Entertainment Law throughout the World published by Thompson West. Bill has also acted as external general counsel for a major record company, independent record companies and recording artists.